sometime in September "Mise": Hey Vanquish, can i get your modded pickups
5 months later.. <20:20:58> "Mise": did you manage to upload the pickups <20:21:25> "vanquish": lol <20:21:25> "vanquish": ffs <20:21:26> "vanquish": i will now <20:21:27> "vanquish": ok <20:21:28> "vanquish": right <20:21:28> "vanquish": now <20:21:29> "vanquish": i promise <20:21:31> "vanquish": im doing it
<21:18:06> "Vulture": vanquish <21:18:23> "Vulture": <21:18:26> "Vulture": in your print <21:18:30> "Vulture": i can see <21:18:34> "Vulture": on chat
<23:03:44> "Mise": its true africans have big dicks <23:03:46> "Mise": like massive <23:03:51> "Marti": only west africans <23:03:52> "Mise": more than 9 inches on average <23:03:54> "Mise": no man <23:04:08> "Mise": i remember i saw my gardner changing his pants <23:04:13> "zer0": AHAHAH <23:04:13> "Mise": it was huge <23:04:15> "vanquish": hahahah <23:04:15> "zer0": MISE <23:04:18> "zer0": u creep <23:04:18> "Mise": i was like 11 <23:04:20> "Marti": why u watch him change <23:04:21> "Marti": nigga
00:07:11> "Mise": do you go to harrods <00:07:14> "Mise": and buy a jacket <00:07:16> "Mise": every week <00:07:20> "hosta": yes <00:07:24> "zer0": wtf is harrods <00:07:27> "[vanquish] vanquish": rofl <00:07:28> "zer0": rich person shop <00:07:30> "Marti": warehouse in london <00:07:32> "Marti": even i know that <00:07:32> "Mise": dude <00:07:33> "Mise": zero <00:07:35> "Marti": and im not brit <00:07:36> "Mise": sign the fuck out of life <00:07:41> "hosta": hahaha <00:07:43> "Marti": its not a pub <00:07:45> "Marti": so he doesnt know <00:07:46> "zer0": EY BOI I WAS RAISED BY THE STREETS
<18:08:40> "Mise": حماك الله سيادة رئيس سوريا ولبنا: pricyحماك الله سيادة رئيس سوريا ولبنا: prickحماك الله سيادة رئيس سوريا ولبنا: prick <18:50:55> "Marti": uwot
<20:50:17> "hosta": dude Sauer is way too fast <20:50:24> "hosta": how can you actually aim at someone lol <20:50:27> "Marti": qqqqqqqqqqqq <20:50:30> "hosta": this is fucked up <20:50:42> "hosta": I'm trying <20:50:58> "hosta": I don't even see them , is there some /texreduce -1 is this fcking game