First map was forge. The final score cant be taken too serious since sparta raged in the later half of the game and didnt play fully anymore. However, we played a solid to zero through the whole game.
Sparta got replaced by Oceans, we played Forgotten next. A really close game - won by one score. I think no team ever lead with more then a single score. Happy us to take the win.
Quite the same about Reissen - close game, 1 score difference. With the difference of course, that we lost this time. They got us nicely with defending everytime they took a lead, so we found ourselves in pushing for nearly the whole game. Oh and i crapped a free flagrun, gj me.
In Haste i did a good job stealing frags and finishing off near dead enemies. My mates did the rest of the work so we won 4-1. gj me again.
The next game on Redemption was again rather close. This time i exercised my skill not only in stealing frags from my mates, but also in getting their scores by running like the last three centimeters. I think i am a very enjoyable as a teammate, therefore gj for me a third time!
We picked insta because we ran out of picks. I guess in this round i was finally worth someting... LOOK AT THOSE BEAUTIFUL 52% Besides, i think the score explains quite well how the game went. lol @ sparta for the suicide.
After these games we stopped...6 rounds of cw is kinda enough. Thanks for the ggs!