We enjoyed another round of clanwars this evening. Beeing in an active clan is so cool. We should definitely all keep on having holidays, forever. Sauers most fun this way
We started with 3vs3 since Acuerta wasnt there from the start. Mehrtyr3r decided to sit the first game, thanks for that. We first played forge, just to keep everything classy. It was a very close game. We lost by a single score after we lead for a big part of the game... Sad outcome for us :'( Somehow my screeny got corrupted, it doesnt show the scorebord. If someone has it, please upload.
Next game was Forgotten (yay my 2 favorite maps were 2 first maps ). Mehrtyr3r slipped in for jorik but we had to change the lineup back because of ping issues on mehrtys side. This time we had a narrow win after a very close game.
Our not so beloved Reissen had to played as well (not our pick). We did surprisingly good and it was a very close close game. Some bitch ass punk made a bitch ass smart move and dropped the flag in the last 10 seconds so we couldnt score anymore - you can even see this on the screen.
We picked abbey for the fourth round. Seems like they arnt well known to the map at all (they even said something like that, but i wasnt reading the chat a lot). This round clearly went for us.
Acuerta and Mehrtyr3r (with fixed ping) slipped in for a 4vs4. They picked tempest, which was something new, but indeed a nice map for 4vs4. Will remember that! We were able to win this game because of the awesome "defending job" jorik decided to do since he doesnt know the map. Thanks for the 3 defending - flagrunns!
We picked haste, where jawer cleared the way out for a victory. Quote from TS: Jorik: "Watch out, 3 emenies in our base" Jawer: "No problem" -> all dead