but telling xemi that he is stupid in the middle of a match ain't the right thing to do... and yes u did... it's a reason why he told u to shut up
THIS! I noticed you did it the other day DamDam, and it really pissed me off to the point of leaving TS3 for the rest of the day, because you talked to Xemi like he was nothing, yes hes younger, yes he may be making a few mistakes, but yelling at him isnt the way to get him to listen, if someone yelled at you when you we're 13/14 did you listen? Fuck no, you told them to shut up and ignored them.
Look, in what way this is your business? Xemi is grown up enough to tell me if anything bothers him. And afaik, we're cool and we already explained on that. I respect Xemi, like i respect all of my friends, he knows (and we both know), that he "sometimes" does not listen and act like he knows everything or whatever, which slighlty irritates me when all i want to do is help him. When i was 14 and somebody talked to me to make me better and progress, i listened, yes. Again, i've been talking with Xemi lately, and i don't think it's much of a problem, if that, Xemi can easily talk to me, i'm not a monster.
Now Shorty, listen, first of all, you give your opinion on something that is not your business ever if you're free to do it, i find it a bit... displaced since its between me and my mate, and afaik you're not my mate. Second, it appears you don't even look at yourself talking, you swear every 30 seconds (take a look at your post), and say "fuck" a sentence over two, so please don't come and teach me how to talk to someone, when your language does not show an inche of respect to anyone. You'd say "shut up" or "fuck off" to anyone without thinking about any consequences Third, if you have a "problem" or something that you believe is important, feel free to PM me or tell me in private, those kinds of conversation are not made for public. Fourth (and that's a bonus), i'd advice you to take a look back at your behaviour, should i remind you that we still not decided on your case and i dont think that what you're posting is putting us in the best conditions to vote you in. Not only about that, i've already seen some posts about your behaviour and your "i dont give a shit about everything" attitude which imo is one of your biggest default, and what should watch for & maybe change.
Aight all of you realllllllllllly need to relax lol. Y&X - Gj, close game, too bad you lost, you'll get 'em next time. T - with that attitude, all maps are easy :P depends moreso on teamwork than map (unless the map is really unbalanced) DD - It's good that you're trying to help them by giving pointers. That said, there's a fine line between constructive criticism and scolding. Y - Y u play AC? It's stoopid. S/Z - It's good that you defend Xemi, but you need to chill X - You're 13. What can you do. Embrace it. It's like the idea of "Black Power" - Black and proud! But instead it's "Youth Power" V - Wtf answer my question you bum.
Ta ta. Everybody loves everybody. Post-CM orgy go.