Ok here i have some more screens. there are mix games (mix cw games) duels. I lost some games (maybe a little bit high) but I'm not the player who say: "Uhhhhhh I'm sooooo bad" or "I suck like hell" i think that's useless so ehm... i lost some screens as well but i hope you can see (in mix games) I can play for dmg or Teamplay (score some flags, support) hope u enjoy it. |addpics|82w-e-8b42.png,82w-f-eedf.png,82w-g-78a2.png,82w-h-23ef.png,82w-i-59c6.png,82w-j-8ea4.png,82w-k-b420.png,82w-l-5da0.png,82w-m-033a.png,82w-n-4b2a.png,82w-o-a0e8.png,82w-p-faee.png,82w-q-1112.png,82w-r-e760.png,82w-s-ed5b.png,82w-t-0635.png,82w-u-1c47.png,82w-v-77c2.png,82w-w-87ca.png,82w-x-3183.png|/addpics|
I guess nobody here will count the games you play Just play when you have time, but put real shit before sauer (yes that comes from a guy who is currently not writing the work he should).
Wow 3 posts at once :P What Deluxe says.. focus on other stuff before sauer. Your application can take as long as it needs for us all to get to know you well enough. Announced inactivity will not give you minus points.
Remains to be seen if glass coffins become popular.
Here a small Clanwar against vaQ' that we won 5:3|addpics|82w-y-cb4c.png,82w-10-b187.png,82w-11-cf41.png,82w-12-217a.png,82w-13-7564.png,82w-14-8179.png,82w-15-0ca1.png,82w-16-72ed.png|/addpics|