I love the new AR <3. The low spread makes aiming so easy. smg seemed to be deadly at a close distance but given the AR's power it can still be quite easily camped out in a lot of situations, as happened here. even on my fucking laptop I can get a decent score
I love the 1.2 The new features such as editing kills, PMs or new modes and new balance are niiiice
My first game on the Beta vs Xemiche :
Playing with sniper against bots (Best level) :
I really am much better on the 1.2, idk if it's unhits or w/e. Also sniper feels cool, i hit much more shots and the combo seems much more efficient. Hope they won't change anything, can't wait to play it with my new mouse and pwn y'all :3
PS: Bots are very nice to play against, i'd rather play a bot game than a nooby public game, bots are better and it train you (& your aim) better x)