Your in-game name : .Robaum! Your real name (optional) : Marcus Schlanger Your age : 20 Country and timezone : Brazil , GMT -3 Can you speak fluent English?: no but i can understand and speak a little... Previous nicks/aliases : none For how long have you been playing ? idk maybe 1 year and some meses Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : BCFH( cuz aerk inactive ) , O4 ( cuz i had to studied ) , OnLy3 ( cuz dont liked the organization ) and now aNy . ( purple afk ... ) Have you ever been blacklisted ? never Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? SMG Why do you want to join our team ? Cuz will be a great clan , and i want make part of "the show" Do you have TS3 and a mic? ofc Which member, if any, invited you to apply? none Any extra information ? none Screenshots showing your skill level :
Nice games, perhaps his teammates could comment on how he performed in a team environment? All I can say from playing against you is that you have very nice aim.
Btw in those games: . is myself, Xemi is Striker, Zola is Dec0, imsexy is Tiest0, andiknowit is DamDam.