Our pick: ~Was alright, wasn't warmed up and I wasn't fragging too heavy but we felt in control for the most part, Jorik made some sick flags to pull the win.
Their pick: ~I was holding and pushing between left/mid making occaisional flag runs while Jorik was right, worked well as I was able to hold xenon on my side while Jorik exploited right and flagged great as usual. We kept spawning on them whenever they entered our base, they struggled to take our flag. The spawns were timed really well I think. We had superior coordination throughout the map despite not playing our best and me making 2 costly mistakes.
GGs. Fearles + Xenon are both great players, was tough. I made 2 dumb mistakes on shine, but I think overall we had a superior teamwork though, seems like our teamplay in sauer is somewhat translated into AC
"The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance." 〜Thomas Henry Huxley
No it isn't a clanmatch but homie Jorik played so I posted.
"The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance." 〜Thomas Henry Huxley
S!ck is a team made of Dam, Horus, Redbull, Tib0 and overall a group of players (mainly from w00p & LC) playing under the same tag created for the AC Weekend cup. Fra| is the official french natioanl team, so basically, yes, it is a team.
On this screenshot I can only see 1 MyS player, 1 oNe player, 2 rC players... it looks pretty much like an interclan to me.
I believe we should only post matches when it's versing clans or teams playing under same tag. Otherwise I have loads and loads of inters I played with xemi or yopa versus 2 random dudes that I could post x)
GGs anyway, seems like close matches but you guys did good against a strong lineup!