- Your in-game name : Dextram - Your real name (optional) : - Your age : 18 - Country and Timezone : France GMT+1 - Can you speak english fluently? : Yes - Previous nicks / aliases : Dextram - For how long have you been playing? : 3 years - Previous clans? Reason why you left? : BME , ~AR|, HS.FR| ... I left cause I stopped playing AC, but I'm back now - Have you ever cheated in any multiplayer game? : No - Have you been ever blacklisted? : No - Favorite mode/map and weapon(s) : CTF Des3 , CTF Depot, CTF Urban with AR / SMG / Sniper - Why do you want to join our team? : You look like nice and strong, and I realy think that I have some things to learn here. There's also some friends here. - Additional skills e.g Coding, Servers, Web hosting, etc : HTML, CSS, I know how to play on my home run server. - Do you have TS3 and a mic? : Yes - Were you invited by any of the members? : Not realy - Extra information : / - Screenshots showing your skill : Not for the moment.
you know my vote ,pretty awesome times in BME Very good player, can play very well when at his best, and im sure it will come back soon if he plays often with us
Yoo Dextram, nice to see you app ! Yesterday we played and inter, and for someone who hasn't played the game for very long, I was surprised. His aim is still relatively decent, he only misses some automatic mechanisms in teamwork that will be fixed very quick I believe
Good luck for you application & if you search for us, we have our own Teamspeak : rcts3.tk:12787