They picked gothic, well it's unwinnable as CLA, we did ok. gg
We picked shine for some reason. We fragged okay I guess. Honor was incredibly lucky several times but overall our teamplay was worse - some things to work on methinks.
Man, I think you don't know how the hell you were lucky, i always spawned when you were behind me,when you got the flag i had the worse spawn as possible The only time i got lucky is when you were stuck with the flag at the right side.. gg
You got four spawns that singlehandedly returned a flag each time, another time you lagged past Pyras and into our base, he knew where you were but couldn't shoot you. Normally I wouldn't have said anything, but you stated first that we were the ones getting lucky (for the reference of others: he said this mid-game). Okay, I had two nice spawns that I can recall on shine, and one lucky nade on RB on gothic. That's really it, but say whatever you want if you feel that bad about it. I didn't say luck was the reason you won. You were most certainly better as a team than we were, but denying you got lucky and moreso accusing the enemies of lucking out is pure arrogance, especially considering you won anyway.
Not as easy as you think yopa. They are a good team and futhermore, they are in form. Me and Vanq are still shaking our rust off from a long break from ac.
On gothic I had to play at 120 gov because I forgot to reset it. I could have told them to stop the game so I can reset my fov but I was polite and just waited until after the round. I can't play at 120 fov with my laptop I need to reset it to 112 or I can't aim at all. I can barely see what I'm shooting at otherwise, gets frustrating
Win or lose, doesnt matter to me it is all in the process of becomig stronger player. GGs woop. You guys are always a challenge and a fun team to play
"The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance." 〜Thomas Henry Huxley
First at all, i would like to say sorry because of my bad english.
Vanq, i can recognize when i'm wrong, post the demo and i will check it. As you know, during a match ( AC or something else), you only see bad things . For example, during a football match, if your goalkeeper miss something you will think this is his fault if the ennemie team scored and you will not see what he did during the whole match. We have different point of view during the match and we can't say when we are in match who is the most lucky.
In addition, i would like to say sorry for my lags, but i can do nothing to fix it. As i said before, i see the lag when it doesn't help me and cry when it makes me die
Sorry if " i offensed you" but i said "lucky" because it was an important action and it makes me mad.
ps: i created a first message but my comp crashed, i had to make an another one, so i maybe don't say everything i wanted to say even if i think this is useless to debate
I just think that pretending you're the only one that gets lucky in matches is disingenuous and arrogant because it makes you seem of the opinion that you're undefeatable. As I will say now for the third time, you guys definitely were a better team, and I'm happy to admit that. There was luck involved from both sides, but not enough to influence the end result of the game. I was even raging in TS over one of the spawns you got that saved you, but I didn't say anything about it. The fact that you felt the need to say "omg lucky" just irritated me, especially as you were winning heavily at this point and had lucked out several times before during the match. That's all. But like you say, I think it's true that players only seem to think that bad things happen to them. It's hard to recognize when you get lucky in a match, much less admit it, I appreciate that though.
About your lag, I really don't care, not everyone's lucky enough to have fibre optic like I do and I'm fine with it. It was just one example of many that could be considered "getting lucky" on your part - as far as I can recall I've never told you to stop lagging, insulted your lag, or said anything bad about it. I myself used to get 72 ping to hlins when I had bad internet. Now I have 8 and I agree that having low ping (moreso, stable ping) is more advantageous, it's just annoying to play against people with high/spiky ping/pj, which is why I mentioned it, I didn't mean it to sound like an attack though (refer to my previous line where I said that I don't rage about your lagspikes, since I know from experienced lagging myself that they usually affect you more than the enemy), so sorry if it seemed that way!
And AssaultCube is an incredibly useless thing to waste time discussing about, particularly the results of these matches. As I'd said, regardless of whether you lucked out or not, you were the better team, and it's for this reason that I'm more than happy to accept losing to a team that has better coordination and skill than me (i.e, you guys). I have nothing against you, just that your unrestrained comment about how we lucked out upset me because you were lucky too (and I perhaps falsely mistook your words as arrogance), and I didn't say anything about it until you did. That's really it.
If you want to discuss it further I'll be on TS3 later, but hopefully we can finish this discussion before then.