Your in-game name : Alireza, DeSonG, YoutaB Your real name (optional) : Alireza Your age : This Jan I'll be 17 Country and timezone : Iran . Normally +3:30 GMT, Now +4:30 Can you speak fluent English?: You can judge about this. Previous nicks/aliases : I already answered this. For how long have you been playing ? more than 2 years. Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : legacy.eSports (No one liked me there!) eXile Unit( died), Taking a Stand (died), Destroy Your Hope( I'll have Time Zone problem in a month!) Have you ever been blacklisted ? Nope. Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? ac_outpost & ac_ingress, HTF & CTF, Assault Rifle & Submachine Gun. Why do you want to join our team ? Because your active.. I don't have much Time Zone problem andall of you are nice guys. Do you have TS3 and a mic? Yep Which member, if any, invited you to apply? No one really asked me but i asked Marti and Vanquish to if i can join or not! Any extra information ? If ever you need to know sth about me don't be shy. Just ask! Screenshots showing your skill level : So sorry about this all of my screens were deleted! I forgot to copy them from C:\ .