.rC|: Mystered, DamDam, Marti/Fluttershy.45|: Gurkentod, Robtics, TodesgurkeThis team beat Waffles, Million and Undead on shine...they're not bad at it, at all. I would advise other teams not to underestimate them.Round #1 - we did shit!Round #2 - a bit better, we pulled the narrow victory! ggs
Dem lag GgsThey were a good opponent, lot tougher than oNe kkkkk
Marti They won easily against you than us , happily vanq subbed you
I played 2nd game too
for 30 seconds while i timed out?
lol million is mad that they have no hope in this league anymore kkkk
actually if they win every round vs every team and lose no matches, then they won't qualify for silver... there's still hope guys!
Haha Mystered, that's it!But yea we did really bad and they were very prepared for this DW there's still a chance for oNe not to be silver, we have to believe!!#oNehopeoNegold #Million #MVP #numberoNe
This is pure strategy yall know
Lose oNe more match and ur going to silver lol
Do you really think people will let us in silver ? xD (no pretension)
If they actually follow the rules then yes