They picked eCTF reissen. I was delegated the rather unglamorous role of solitary base camper, while Acuerta and Jorik pushed for flags. Overall I think the strategy worked out well, but look how little damage I ended up dealing in the end xD
Then we picked eCTF forge. Good awareness (and let's face it, two lucky/skilled returns) allowed us to win without a flag deficit, and we managed to end the game early by scoring our tenth flag after the ninth minute.
Then they picked eCTF dust2. It was boring, really, we didn't get a flag until the halfway mark, since DieZ was pretty much never ever pushing out of his base. Then, around the halfway mark, he did push out of his base, and we got a flag because we were able to synchronize and destroy the enemies *_* Then we just started getting moar flags.
ggs Acuerta, Jorik + |RB|. Coordination was nice without ts3.
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