LuCk has written a new post "LuCk (again)" 12.07.2013
some games i played recently [[File:20010126_22.54.07_ac_gothic_CTF.jpg]] [[File:20010129_03.18.01_ac_desert3_CTF.jpg]] [[File:20010129_04.13.08_ac_ingress_CTF.jpg]]
LuCk has written a new post "LuCk (again)" 11.27.2013
LuCk has written a new post "LuCk (again)" 11.27.2013
Played an inter, me and xemi vs feng and endgame, and a fun sniper 1v1 against xemi, was good games some reason it says, Your posts contains to many links. A maximum of 0 links is allowed.
LuCk has created the topic "LuCk (again)". 11.26.2013
Hey, i want to be honest with you guys, i don't want you to f2 me right away. I want too try to learn and improve my skills to get better in ac. So during games try to help me out with tactics and try too point out things i can work on to get better.