- Your in-game name (include any notable past aliases):Mulio (no other aliases)
- Your real name (optional):Felipe
- Your age:15
- Your country/timezone: Brazil (-3 GMT)
- Can you speak fluent English?: Yes.
- Do you have TS3 and a mic? No 
- For how long have you been playing? 2 years
- Previous clans/reasons why you left: Crowd> (I see Crowd as a community,not a serious clan)
- Favourite map(s)/gamemode(s) Mostly,all the maps. Flag based modes and GIBS
- Do you have an ogros account registered? If so, under what name? No (I will create some one)
- Do you have an authkey? No
- Some screenshots of games you've played: I've lost all my screenshots,but i will look for some)
- Anything else you want to add: Hm...No :P