Your in-game name :Zed/CtrlAltZed
Your real name (optional) :Patrick
Your age : 23
Country and timezone : Spain
Can you speak fluent English?:I can and very beautiful
Previous nicks/aliases
For how long have you been playing ?2012
Previous clans ? Reason why you left? :|>BM<| I left because nobody connected and the server came down 
Have you ever been blacklisted ?nop
Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? I like effic and my favourite weapon is Rockets because they are explosive
Why do you want to join our team ?I want to join the team because you guys are very kind to me and its good for cw's.
Do you have TS3 and a mic? I do but i talk in cw's
Did any members invite you to apply, or was this your idea? My idea
Any extra information ?I like Teddy's
Screenshots showing your skill level :i can't but my high accuary is 87 vs crowds
Thanks ty