Your in game name (and any aliases used in the past): Yal, w4lt Your real name (optional): Yal Age: 17 Country and timezone: Turkey GMT+03:00 Can you speak English?: Yes. Fluently Do you have TS3 and a mic?: Yes. Also discord. Yal#0035
How long have you played AssaultCube for?: 9 years. Clan history (and reasons why you left): KH, sC. Wanted to look for a better one. That's why I'm applying to rC. I think I can fit in well. Have you ever been blacklisted?: Nope.
Favourite maps/modes: Shine/sunset CTF Favourite weapon(s): Sniper Describe yourself as a player in three words: Thirsty for headshots
Why do you want to join our team?: By time I got better and better and I thought It's time to apply for an actual good clan. That's why I chose rC. Did any members invite you to apply, or was it your idea?: It was my own idea. Any extra information you want to tell us: Nothing much in my mind rn. All I can say is that I hope I get accepted I guess. Stuff about me: I'm a half turkish half bulgarian from Izmir. Currently a basketball athlete playing for a private school. Been playing video games since i was 5. My favorite game of all time is probably Half-Life. Spent my years on consoles playing battlefield, cs and ac on pc.
Screenshots showing your skill level: https:/ /www. youtube .com /watch?v=SUO3xdagiK8&lc=z23zvptbnvilwvzulacdp4324jge41bntiwczltx2jhw03c010c.1606527839673968 **it says i cant post links. i had to leave spaces sorry:)**