We just had a really, really nice duel. I haven't been performing as good as I'm able to, but you've shown me in this duel that you've improved by a heck alot. You've been improving constantly and I really wish you the best of luck furthermore. Here's the duel:
Thanks for all replies from ya' Such a kind and polite community I'll let you know if I've got any questions AC related Vanquish already helped me out a lot just with in-game commands. As I said it already above, I hope to see all of you soon tomorrow on ts3 Good night everybody and thanks for all warm greetings A big and warm thanks returned to all of you guys
Thanks for your kind replies Ofc I'll be around tomorrow on your ts3 server. And yeah, I planned sticking with AC. AC just makes the most fun currently. Its gameplay and above all, its awesome community Let's see how far I'll get in AC. See / hear you tomorrow on ts3