First two sets of games were really well played by me and DamDam. Werk was business as usual for the dynamic duo and ingress was quite dominant from us fragwise, we were also able to successfully capitalise off of every huge damage loadout and it allowed us to score more flags than we expected.
I went afk and when I came back, they were playing again. This time they switched from aura servers (yay) to the sveark servers and Shield got angry with the bad hitreg and actually smashed his mouse and it broke so he couldn't click to spawn. So I subbed him for the last minute of the game but there wasn't really too much we could do. For the second round, Hosta had to go and Shield had no mouse, so myself and DamDam preceded to play their pick of des3. Well, we lost. We weren't able to frag well due to the poor hitreg and lag, and this frustrated us and made us unable to counter the frag advantage of the enemy team with any special strategy.
So we lost a set of games 2-0 and also won a set of games 2-0 (I'm sure the server choice played a part in this btw since none of us hit well once we changed from aura). Anyway since I'm lazy I made one thread. ggs!
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Quote: Vanquish wrote in post #1 ... and Shield got angry with the bad hitreg and actually smashed his mouse and it broke so he couldn't click to spawn.
Oo wtf really? when i rage i hit my keyboard, but it survived nicely until now. also, my mouse is too expensive, i wouldnt smash it :P
"The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance." 〜Thomas Henry Huxley
Ah so much regret, I didn't so much smash it I had it in my hand and slammed it down of the mouse pad too hard and snapped something that allow it to click. I'm usually such a calm person but it was getting to me :P RIP Shield's mouse :|