I was long and the duo Vanquish-xemi went mid, we did pretty good at piercing through their defense even though we weren't really synchronized.
Our pick CTF ac_shine :
Well we started strong and stayed ahead for the rest of the game. With good communication and nice teamwork we managed to prevent them from scoring any flag which is great!
PS : Please notice that I have the most flags and higher score than Vanquish, #ggvanqumad #izilife
GGs AoX, those were fun games to play and it was also nice to play again as a trio, seems we haven't lost too much of our teamwork together! Good job guys! <3
I'll forgive this [EDIT: very very] basic mathematical fail/derp just this once. But for future reference, in case you didn't know, there is actually a calculator on your PC, and it does basic sums like the ones above so you can doublecheck and be sure you're not making any nooby mistakes Anyway we played pretty well and GGs to AoX, was a lot of fun
Btw wtf DamDam, are you using a default white dot for your crosshair? ._.