Your in-game name :Hugs, josivo, veruc Your real name (optional) : Joseph Your age : 19 Country and timezone : Hawaii, UTC-10 Can you speak fluent English?: Yeah Previous nicks/aliases : unarmed, For how long have you been playing ? About 3 years? Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : .cF/W$N, FmC (left these due to inactivity), iF* (Left to app for BoB but app was closed due to my inactivity in game) Have you ever been blacklisted ? Yes, few years back due to hitbox switch. Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? Shine, Ingress CTF. Subgun, Sniper, Shotgun Why do you want to join our team ? I've never been in a competitive team and lack mainly teamwork because I've mainly only played inters with random players. I would like to join to mainly learn and bring up my skill in the game from being a pub smasher to a competitive player. Do you have TS3 and a mic? Yeah I have both. Did any members invite you to apply, or was this your idea? A long while ago I think xemi mentioned it but only now am I considering joining a competitive clan. Any extra information ? Whether I make it or not I just hope to gain as much experience from you guys Screenshots showing your skill level : Got a new laptop so I have no screenshots or demos but will play some inters soon (hopefully today) and post the screenshots asap!
ggs, didn't know you were veruc, I've actually seen that name around before. nice score on the gothic ss too :P Intras were ggs too.
What time are you usually on btw? I have a pretty fucked up sleeping schedule (usually going to bed around 1-6am most nights depending on when university starts the next day) and even I've only caught you on ts twice. Just asking out of curiosity, please don't think I'm nagging you or smth
I try to be on midday (about 12pm-4pm) or at night around 9pm-whenever I go to sleep. Depends cause some days I have school, work, or practice but I'm on whenever I can be on haha
I apologize in advance if I'm not on as often; I've hit a bump in my life and honestly without getting into all the details, I just need time to recollect myself. I'll be back as soon as possible when my head is clear. Sorry again for this, hopefully I'm good to go within two weeks.