Your in-game name : .EL. and Lemonade Your real name (optional) : Edwin (Nickname: Eddie, EDD) Your age : 16 Country and timezone : Germany, timezone: GZM 1+ Can you speak fluent English?: jop Previous nicks/aliases : .EL. and Lemonade For how long have you been playing ? almost one year but then i had almost a one year break.. (1 1/2 years though..) Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : {CeW}, [HTN], FD*, |LN| Reasons: {CeW} (2 1/2 months stayed..) - died. [HTN] (2 days stayed..) - cause they just played LSS, OSOK and that noobie stuff and i wanted to get more skilled And at the same time i got a invite from BME and FD* . FD* (2 months stayed) - cause i wanted to create a own clan (|LN|) . |LN| (3 1/2 months stayed) - i had problems with my parents and they toke my pc from me xD Have you ever been blacklisted ? nope Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? map: elevation/ mode: HTF and weapon: AR Why do you want to join our team ? Cause the most of you are my firends Do you have TS3 and a mic? jep Which member, if any, invited you to apply? Xemi Any extra information ? I Screenshots showing your skill level :
Thanks for everyone! I hope i'll get in See yah then in the next days Dude.. I really need to kick some asses of here.. I AM ON DRUGS! xD hahaha.. DamDam: be ready ;DD