Your in-game name : ''Zodiak./Shorty Your real name (optional) : Shaun Your age : 18 Country and timezone : Australia (GMT +10) Can you speak fluent English?: No, my English is somewhat lacking, i think? Previous nicks/aliases : Only the names i've stated and random alias' i don't remember at all For how long have you been playing ? 3 and a half years, probably closer to 4
Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : KH|, W$N, Aero|, legacy, (all died) NR| (Original NR not reborn) Left due to leader (Morse) Cheating, .aG* Left when larry/Vanq left. w00p| Left due to Drakas' departure.
Have you ever been blacklisted ? No Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? CTF ac_elevation - Sniper/AR Why do you want to join our team ? You all seem very nice, and you have alot or promise to be one of, it not the best clan in AC, and you have that Pommy Slackass called Vanquish Do you have TS3 and a mic? Yes, I do Which member, if any, invited you to apply? None. Any extra information ? I'm sexy and i know it? Screenshots showing your skill level : I just reformatted my Laptop, so no screens as of right now, will get some ASAP!
For those who don't know, Shorty is one of the most ridiculous snipers in the entire game, but he also uses AR well too, sick player. Plus he's just a pretty awesome guy when you get to know him.
GL, I wanna play with you a bit before I vote though, since you called me a pommy slackass