It may have come as a huge surprise but we did it!!!! We won the insta-ctf SSL June championship!! (We'll try win the other ones another time.... :p)
Super well done to Jawer, Blushie, Marti and everyone else who contributed during the games This has been the first and it certainly won't be the last!
The games against .cS were concerning at the very beginning as they had quickly scored a flag with little effort on our map pick and first game - Redemption. However, we persisted - refusing to give in so quickly and made a wonderful comeback by taking out the attacking enemy when they didn't expect and neutralising their defenders well before making a run for it, scoring a tight 7 - 5 flags to us. This gameplay was done well on both maps and even better on Twin_Forts when Blushie had kept the enemy in their base where they belong while I pranced around a bit with barely any frags and tried to score flags :p. Jawer had some great saves and very good flag protection during the game as well, ensuring as many flag runs were executed successfully. This made for some challenging yet very well executed gameplay. Very well played by Blushie for consistently ensuring our team was safe from those nasty reds, despite our little TeamSpeak troubles at the start :p. Also some great gameplay by Jawer for keeping big pressure on the enemy and scoring some great flags even without much help from my side. Well done to me for not embarrassing myself and making my way out with the flag and successfully scoring enough times to get that win :3
Our final match against DM was no walk in the park. Skillz had dem skillz and was easily getting twice the frags of his fellow teammates. Their talent and teamwork proved worthy as they showed us how it was done on our first map pick, Authentic, making for a sad loss of 4 - 1. Our hopes were not over yet though as DM made their mistake of choosing l_ctf. We knew what Skillz was up to and ensured he didn't get away with such a high frag count. Keeping very high pressure on their team and constantly trying to get in, steal the flag and get back. At the same time we kept our defences high, giving them very little leg-room for stealing our flag. This tactic, although failing many times, was done well on enough occasions to win us the very close game 4 - 3. Our final game was chosen to entertain our beautiful crowd and we bravely chose Pandora! The game was intense, the enemies coming from 4 entrances and the DM team pushing very strongly forced us to stay on our toes! Blushie had made some wonderful defence and expertly cleared our base form those monkeys while Jawer and myself ran for that flag like it was a quad damage. Amongst the clever gameplay, the amazing defence and the awesome flag carrier protection we made our tough but clean win of 6 - 4. Leaving us as the champions!
The All-vs-All:
Our games vs Crowd (They chose Forge, we chose Abbey):
Our semi-final games vs .cS (We chose Redemption, they chose Twin_Forts):
Our final games vs DM (We chose Authentic, they chose l_ctf, we chose Pandora):
The games were surely not easily won but we made it Well done again to everyone!!!!!!
And let us not forget that it was the wonderful work of last Sunday's team that allowed us to progress to the semi-finals. I am afraid I cannot write a story for you as I was not there at the time But I'm sure we would all love to hear about it if you wish to tell us
Finally, it definitely was a wonderful thing to come back to after being in action for only 2 days after a long break and being able to contribute towards our teams success. It has already made me fall in love with the game again. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of such a super clan Let us make a toast for todays victory and any future victories we strive for in the future
Statistically, there's a 99% chance you'll never meet your life aspirations. Good luck!
Amen, you were by far the most surprising act in our way of success with your barely visible rustiness. Thanks for all the positive feedback and i hope we will rock the next tournaments as well now that we have a solid 4-5 man group again
The games vs crowd started really unexpected because we probably didn't know about their strength and took it the easy way. They were honorable opponents on Abbey and I managed to score a last second score as far as I remember with a lot of luck. The second game was taken more serious and enabled us some low effort scores as we often managed to kill 3 people at once in our fully gained concentration level. This Sunday we also had a rather insecure start but managed to come into our profession a lot faster (at least you 2 because I was a silent flagwalker in the first game). I had a lot of fun which could have been a lot different if people didn't allow Blushie to play and I'm thankful and happy this came out like it did. Great job Märtyrer, Blushie<3, Marti and Rexus. I really don't care about what we did with eHold because who does even care about that dirt..right? Let's have some nice fragging time in future and I hope i will be able to wake up early tomorrow.
Remains to be seen if glass coffins become popular.