Heyho people! Today I am happy to bring you good news, the clan grows 4 members stronger...at once!
How come? To cut a long story short, in both clans .rC and the recently refounded .cS, which were previously already closely connected, the need for more members and activity were evidet. Hence, the idea of a merging was born. Negotiations about how everything should be done were opened. And i can tell you, they were hard and long (for this reason this post gets written so late at night). We concluded that a merging would be easiest if we keep the old .rC infrastructure (forum, clantag, etc.) and the running application as they are. But not everything stayed as it was, with the addition of such a great number of new fighters in it's rank, .rC defintely changed it's face. A lot of .cS - spirit is now part of our mindsets. You can really say we do not just have 4 more members now, but a new squad formed, with some old and some new faces. A new chapter for the .rC sauer squad suddenly started. It's just not very obvious since the .rC - clantag and the forum remain.
We're now looking forward for countless intense battles as well as for great friendships and new experiences in the sauer world.
Let's have a nice welcome for Agalloch, Ignis, Neon and Tool, and a toast on the new .rC : Let's have have a good time!
tl;dr: .rC merges, but stays same, but different, but still same *insert gif here* with 4 new members
Okay, when I first saw this I thought it was a joke, hence the "lol wtf". I've been busy with university the past few days, and will be the coming few days, but (as one of about five different admins who are able to do so) I've activated everyone's forum accounts if they were involved in the merger, as well as allocating proper forum access, now that I realise it's sincere. I'll check ts3 privileges later when I get a free moment.
Thanks and apologies for any inconvenience.
- Vanquish
EDIT: Just to clarify, does this "tool" have a forum account? I can't find him. Everyone else should be alright though!