I didn't though. When I was afflicted with that horrible setup, I said jokingly: "Hey, we should 1v1 lewl". He accepted. It wasn't actually a question at all.
More ontopic stuff plz. or i'll delete your comments. (admin > moderator)
Really, vanquish has more power than me? great, I know he's responsible and beautiful and I'd be honoured to have him rule over me with his iron fist of judgement
Sorry for leaving TS just now, but my keyboard is broken (and I use Push-to-talk, so I couldn't talk or type). I'll get a new one for tomorrow, but ggs vs BME today.
np man . gg's I am not going to bother posting screenshots considering we all were not doing so well, just an embarrasing match aye, and Silents "computer crashed" so they all left... WHAT A MATCH!