Your in-game name : iDani Your real name (optional) : Daniel Tamele Your age : 16 Country and timezone [w] : GMT +1 Can you speak fluent English?: Yes Previous nicks/aliases : iDani, SuperDani For how long have you been playing ? About 3 years with 7 months break Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : {CeW} - died ; =TUF= - too weak ; .45| - it changed and I wanted to get better... Have you ever been blacklisted ? No Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? ac_werk, ac_douze/CTF, DM/AR Why do you want to join our team ? I want to improve, I think I have the potencial for it and you guys are very nice Do you have TS3 and a mic? Yes Which four members gave you invites to apply? Xemi, yopa, vanquish, Tiesto and I think Marti :P Any extra information? I never learned a lot of tactic, so I hope I will learn fast and don't suck that much! xD If you want to know anything just ask Screenshots showing your skill level : Sorry I only have screenshots with .45| tag is Xemi
Intras today U and marti picked ingress against me and xemi... U are a good fragger, as we can see, but we got things to work on Also note that xemi was ill and went to puke for the last 2 minutes... gg
We picked shine to train it... We were leading and had full controll, but in the end u got like 3 flags or smth? And if the game was 10 sec longer u would've made it tie on frags... nice game