Good games, I appreciate your honesty in posting them. I have the gothic screen but I feel there's no point in posting it, and you shouldn't feel so bad - you really didn't play badly at all.
Inter today: We had a horrible start x) We had problems with our fragging, but as u guys can see, 23 frags, and 2 flags with bad side... not bad
I wanted to take mid, as Dani's best side is right... He did really nice, while I had problems getting comfortable mid... In the end I finally found out how I should play it, and then we just raped
yopa don't humble, I let the window open at the first game and because I sucked you couldn't frag as well! (I know thet feeling xD) And yeah, we did well on werk Ty for posting. @marti: no, just angle whoring :P