Your in-game name : Jorik Your real name (optional) : Jorik Your age : 16 Country and timezone [w] : Belgium GMT+1 Can you speak fluent English?: Yes, I can. Previous nicks/aliases : Jorik, Phrixus For how long have you been playing ? I have been playing for approximately four years. Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : BME (internal disputes), dR (I hacked, confessed and left.), MyS (I got kicked after showing disruptive behaviour on the ACWC finals) Have you ever been blacklisted ? I haven't. Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? ac_arid DM Assault Rifle Why do you want to join our team ? I think that this clan is able to give me a final chance after the things I have done in the past. I hope this clan will not care too much about what others say, and I hope everyone will look to theirselves. Do you have TS3 and a mic? I do. Which four members gave you invites to apply? Vanquish, Hosta, Marti, DamDam Any extra information ? I think you all know me very well, if there are questions you can still ask me of course. Screenshots showing your skill level : I have quit for a while so it would be pointless to post any screenshots. I will have more screenshots available later though.
Hello there, Jorik welcome here and gl on ur app... dw about ur past. We care about how u r now, not in ur past We're giving u the chanse like with all o our previous and existing apps
GL for your app Jorik! Hope i'll manage to catch some games with you As for your past, i think we can fix it up if you're honest with us, we can manage to get over it if you show us dedication and how you've changed i guess