#1 | Z3R0 applicationTue Mar 05, 2013 11:33 pm (Last edited: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:35 pm)
Deleted User
Z3R0 requested that I finished his application for him considering he had to go, Cheers!
- Your in-game name : Z3R0 - Your real name (optional) : Andrew - Your age : 16 - Country and Timezone : Scotland GMT+0 - Can you speak english fluently? : Indeed - Previous nicks / aliases : WildSnorlax - For how long have you been playing? : Over 2 years, I think - Previous clans? Reason why you left? : Pi, I enjoyed my time in Pi but because of inactivity I rarely got to play any matches. I really wanted to progress in the game but didn't get much chance to play competetively. I still love Pi though - Have you ever cheated in any multiplayer game? : Never - Have you been ever blacklisted? : Nope - Favorite mode/map and weapon(s) : I enjoy ctf due to it's teamwork based gameplay, and one of my favourite maps is ac_ingress. I like playing AR/SMG in cms, and love messing about with sniper in inters/pubs. - Why do you want to join our team? : I enjoy rC's company and like playing with you guys. You also play at a high level, so I think I could learn nice tactics and teamwork from playing with you. - Additional skills e.g Coding, Servers, Web hosting, etc : I dabble in mapmaking, and enjoy making fun hud + different model mods. Do you have TS3 and a mic? : I do indeed Were you invited by any of the members? : Yopa & Xemi Extra information : I'm not sure what to put here, find me on irc or TS if you want to ask my anything though Screenshots showing your skill :
Yopa and I vs Vanquish and Panic (I could only find this one, if somebody has the others please send me them)
Ah thanks vanquish, just came to post them. Thanks for the luck everyone, hehe. Edit: Forgot one
Vanquish's edit:
The reason why I didn't post this game is purely because haste played for the first half of it before his internet dropped, thus the scores don't accurately correlate with how well we performed as a team (on shine/sunset the scores were much more in our favour because we played together for the full extent of the games) whereas d3 was more of a mix & match. gj on desert3 nonetheless.