Ye I know my aim isnt that good but in some games because of my lag i could t hit the people so that ruined my acc a bit but now my internet is getting better because as i told you before I'm moving around our router to get better conection and as you said it was getting better so I hope it will be good soon
Also I notice when you were spectating my 1v1 with Friteq, you said something along the lines of: "Vanq your mouse is so stable, mine jitters around so much". Investing in a good mouse (if you can afford it) is a great way to improve your aim. If your mouse is already decent then you should try playing around with a sensitivity that feels comfortable, I played on sensitivity 17 for months and only realised that lower sensitivies were more comfortable when I experimented.
If you have WIndows, it's also worth downloading MarkC's Mouse Acceleration fix, this fixes the "randomness" at which your mouse pointer can jitter around sometimes. You can DL it HERE.
Other commands that help me aim are:
./smoothmove 72 ./fov 111 ./smoothdist 10
Have a play about and see what works best for you.
Well we found the time to play one game today, vs our applicant Alireza and my fellow brit Enam. I must say alert, you've improved quite a bit. Your aim is nice, however your knowledge of teamwork is basic, which is fine for playing vs weaker opponents, but against strong teams such as LC you need some work (it's ok, so do I). Playing in TS3 with DamDam will rack it into your head, don't worry. So F1 for trial.
Actually I think I phrased that wrongly - your teamwork seems fine, what I meant was your map movement. Again it was fine on gothic, on desert3 though I noticed you'd push a lot, perhaps too much without securing base first. We still won so I don't see it as a major problem but as a general rule, long side of d3 plays very defensively, just so you know :P