i had the feeling we dominated whole game, some flaws, but no major issues.
their pick ac_desert3
we were leading 4-3 in last minute, then due to a miscommunication they scored a flag and won :S shouldve won this game..
tiebreaker ac_shine
i was on fireeeeeeeeeeeee (flagwise). we had a shitty start conceding a flag very soon. then we had a small flag duel and eventually i got on fire and scored 4 flags.
You struggled at first and even lost 2 flags that were given going middle like a pig when right side was open & free. Using right is a gift, which is how you scored those 4 flags izi money. GGs guys, too bad on d3, middle (xenon) tricked you quite often, but they're a strong team to play against so.. WP !