Slt, merci pour votre application. Nous aimerions que vous enregistrer une ogros account afin que nous puissions avoir clantag protection pour votre nom.
Tu joues bien pour precisement deux heures - bonne chance mec. Hope you get in.
Apparantly I forgot to take the effic one (I won by 10 kills iirc), but I got insta@ot :P F12 to take screens (U'll find them in documents/my games/sauerbraten)
We have been discussing your application at great length for some time, and we have come to the conclusion that we would like to freeze your application for now. You told us recently that you "don't think you'll stick with Sauer". Therefore, there is no point in accepting you, yet it's also no reason to be denied since you haven't done anything wrong. So what we're doing instead is closing it for now, just feel free to PM us and re-open it if you ever want to start the game again. Thx + cya