Your in game name (mention all aliases used in the past): Waffles/Visceral/Ghost Age:24 Country:USA Timezone:gmt -4(or-5 depending on daylight savings) Can you speak fluent English?: Barely
Playing Sauerbraten since: PLayed for awhile a year or so ago and was apping to MyS, ended up stopping for a long time and starting again recently. Maybe 2 months total gameplay Clan history, reasons why you left: no clan history in sauer
Favourite modes:ictf and ectf Favourite maps:forge, reissen, turbine, the standards
Were you invited by any member or was it your own idea: vanquish has been putting the thought in my head. it is my own idea though Why you want to join rC: I've known a lot of these players for awhile from AC, vanquish is one of the few people that play that game really well and I respect him a lot as a player, it only makes sense that I apply for a clan where I know people. Plus everyone i didnt know have been very friendly. A little about yourself: I'm 24, a professional musician, and love burritos. I game because I like the competitive aspect. I'm well known in Assaultcube and although i suck atm at sauer, I believe i can get to be one of the top players.
Screenshots showing your skill level: I've developed a bad habit from AC where I never take screens. I'll play some games and post some, however here are a few for now (thx vanq):
here comes the retard and wants to apply. well thats just great
are you a professional moron too, mr professional musician? you said anyone could beat me with twice the frags in a 1v1 but you couldnt even do it yourself. why do you suck lol
Had a chance to play a bit today. Unfortunately I only got the screens of me playing vs jawer but I played vs Hutch a bit too. Included in the screenshots are some old screens of me when I was applying to MyS. I only feel like they are relevant because I am objectively better than I was then. Included are also 2 games against random opponents eternal and swatllama.