Age: 17 (3 months and I can legally buy alcohol!!)
Country: UK
Timezone: GMT +00
Can you speak fluent English?: I art British, I can speaketh English like a bird can flapeth it's wingeths.
Playing Sauerbraten since: February 2012, roughly 2 years.
Clan history, reasons why you left: |yum| (died), ToP (died), s9 (died). May have been in others but I've forgotten :p Either way… All of the ones I joined DIED!
Favourite modes: Insta and Effic. It changes every few games. Favourite maps: Standard Turbine and Forge. Complex for insta and douze for ffa. Capture_Night for public and Reissen for cw's. Turbulence is my secret weapon. Others list includes: Aard3c, memento, face-capture, redemption and to to name a few the first pop into mind.
Did any members invite you to apply, or was this your idea?: The great Hutch has woo'd me with his charms and I have been seduces into applying for the mighty rC players.
Why do you want to join rC ?: From the outside rC is a skilled, competitive and well respected clan. I have a great relationship with a few of your members such as Hutch and Vanquish and have taken a great interest in the sauer stuff you get up to, including clan wars and socialising on TS. Even though I haven't really spoken to many of you, I've heard good things about your chats! (#TotallyNotASuckUp)
A little about yourself: I'm that idiot who has NO common sense in your group of friends. I'm shy and reserved at first. But once I'm comfortable around people I'm crazy as crazy can be! I LOVE the Rubik's cube and practise speed-solving it as often as possible. Very passionate about my music and I love debates especially involving philosophy. :p I'm mostly someone who lives in the study but I like to be active every now and then. My guilty pleasure is Disney films and literally throwing my younger siblings (They don't get hurt and they enjoy it so all's good :p). I'm generally a happy, bubbly person and love to share the stories of my life, no matter how embarrassing. I'm pretty nosy as well though and have sometimes been accused of investigating people too much :p
Screenshots showing your skill level :
(The images are quite big, sorry about that)
Some duels
Aaand some other screeny's
Statistically, there's a 99% chance you'll never meet your life aspirations. Good luck!
I'm in the middle of an economics lecture atm and due to my sixth form's crappy Fortiguard firewall I can't view any of your screenshots (I'll check them later). Nice application though, I don't need to tell you what my vote will be. #BritishEmpire2k14
effic ot
insta complex
Retired AC + Sauer player. Oderint dum metuant.
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#5 | RE: Shnuggle :)Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:15 pm (Last edited: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:15 pm)
Very nice application. i love your style and how open you write i haven't got to know you yet really but i wanna change that now. Your screenshots are VERY uncommon compared to other applicants cause you mostly posted duels against unknown noobs, public games or even mass instagib/efficiency games respect for the score against Achille, that's the stuff i wanna see more of even if it should be enough of skill prove. still have to duel you myself to experience your skill and have a nice application time (There are rumours that it will be a short one) and of course good "luck"
Remains to be seen if glass coffins become popular.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words . Sadly I've lost about 90% of my screenshots involving duels against more well known players so I had to make do with other screenshot. But anyways, I'll be available for duels tonight and hopefully tomorrow night
Statistically, there's a 99% chance you'll never meet your life aspirations. Good luck!