Unfortunately, it's time for me to withdraw my app. There's nobody to blame, it's just an issue of time. .rC is a great clan and that's why i didn't give up much sooner. Thanks for the games and the opportunity. Hopefully i'll find a nice clan that works better for me and my timezone.
Slow week, i've been tied up with RL a bit lately but still should have time to pop in at my usual times. Also, i've been having a lot of problems in-game with my mouse (and mousepad) to the point that it has been effecting my game. Just got a new mouse though (razer abyssus) and still getting used to it. I'll probably get a mousepad of some sort soon too.
Sorry i haven't caught much games with you all, except for xemi. I seem to be getting on just as everyone is done for the night. Here is my activity for the last week.
^Just testing, doubt anybody was playing seriously. Fun map. ^iceroad rework, definitely an improvement. Lots of sneaking going on. ^caught BoB on late at night. GG DOOM is vermi, gg gg
Quote: Zeeble wrote in post #23Thanks for the F1s for trial so far. me and drool vs alireza and sepehr, ggs
Actually I don't remember this game... . Me and Sepehr didn't play against you and Drool yet until you're joining rC. And we didn't play against Drool at all... I'm sure abut this.That guys are fake!!
Oh. Well, they never said they were sepehr and you. drool told me they were after i had left for a moment and came back. It was easy to believe this because they're aren't too many Iran players (or is that the Ireland tag?)
More screenshots from the last few days. Below each screenshot is a short desc.
First game of the day and i was, admittedly, nervous playing with many of the rC members for the first time. Keller, a map that i have literally played half a dozen times in inter/CMs. -.- me and drool against some newer FD players. gg lawred might be bigbaddy but i never bothered to ask. ggs challenging, gg this one i accidentally uploaded so.. got cut short due to lag. vs edward soulker and messi our pick X) me and drool vs alireza and sepehr, ggs sloppy game, they scored two flags at the end, 1 due to me DCing :/ tiebreaker, relaxed at bit, less frags from me but got a comfy lead.
Some screenshots from the last couple of days. psyco is drool. below image is a short comment.
gg vault wasn't too happy about this X) vault quite early nice teamwork for both sides, close game. i was mid AR against xemi sniping. This is something i will work on, died way too much. great tw, a couple of good pushes snagged us the win, i went tuns
Quote: Zeeble wrote in post #3I guess the aftershock site is down atm. Anyone have a demo of the tiebreaker?
The tie??? Why would you want to watch that? That was the most annoying game ever. camping camping camping and sometimes a kill. If you have 10 minutes to waste watching something then just watch a porn.
To study angle abuse, preferred camping areas, etc..
Your in-game name : Zeeble Your real name (optional) : Your age : 23 Country and timezone : GMT -8 Can you speak fluent English?: yes Previous nicks/aliases : BigGunZ For how long have you been playing ? 2.3 yrs Previous clans ? Reason why you left? : dyH, inactive. Have you ever been blacklisted ? no Favourite map/mode and weapon(s) ? ingress, AR/smg Why do you want to join our team ? rC has strong player and i know i'll be able to learn a lot and improve my game. Do you have TS3 and a mic? yup Which member, if any, invited you to apply? technically, yopa. Any extra information ? I know the basics to teamplay and i have decent aim. If during my app i perform poorly in a match, don't be too quick to judge, let me know what i did wrong and i'll fix it. My intent is to improve, always.