some inters i have played with an rC player!
thanks marci, sorry for being inactive (school etc) will be play able to play on the weekend hopefully
thanks damdam what the hell ?
thanks my man !
played a 2 matches with xemi ! pick was d3, did a few mistakes but well played by xemi was xemis pick, good game !
some inters we played all together ! d3 ctf, our pick, well played from all of us pick, good games !
thanks man
Thanks people, gg's MyS
good luck buddy! this guy has good aim and has teamwork is good! he just improves better each day ahaha
wow you always make me unwelcomed in anything, even though i didnt insult you and i havent seen you on AC in ages.. and you always try to make me look bad, so unfair
i dont even troll anymore !!
good luck :]]]
thanks xemi