Hey Parti. Nice to see another applicant! Make sure you see us on TeamSpeak and get as many games with us as possible to make the application process as speedy as possible
One thing I would say we are proud of is the maturity of this clan despite our young age. When you play you drop your ego, you forget proving yourself, you ignore showing others what you can do and focus on yourself. There's never a bad game since every game lost is a lesson that you're not invincible. It's an opportunity to do better. After each game you should write down what you fucked up and what you did well. If you're not sure ask us, we've probably all had a similar problem and we love teaching what we know. Focus on really improving and no more "I suck" excuses. I want real and fast improvement. I know you're already fairly good but improving should be something that never stops. You should always be getting better and better (non-linearly, of course, but still definite forward improvement).
Good luck!
Statistically, there's a 99% chance you'll never meet your life aspirations. Good luck!
Thanks Shnuggle, dont worry, im not raging too much as before, that was happening because i was missing every possible shot and week or 2 before that hell happened i was playing rly good, now i got my power back, and yea, improving will never stop Ok about tag.
Okay Parti. Pretty much everyone in the clan is on the same page. We like you're skill and there's little more to prove to us. What we're concerned about is your maturity. Raging MUST STOP. Acting like a child at the end of a game MUST STOP. What I care about and what most of us are probably wanting is a happy, progressive attitude that says "Shit, well I hope to do better next time". Of course some annoyed mumbles are fine.. an ffs, an OMG is what everyone would do including ourselves. But having an entire conversation talking about your 10 minutes of below average gameplay (ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE ALREADY THE HIGHEST FRAGGER!) MUST STOP.
Your application is promising skill wise. Please start working on attitude. If it's a bad game then fine, just say "Hmm.. I was hoping to do better. Maybe rematch in the future?" (Feel free to add some smiley faces).
We're all waiting to make our decisions, please make them easier for us
Statistically, there's a 99% chance you'll never meet your life aspirations. Good luck!
ZitatOkay Parti. Pretty much everyone in the clan is on the same page. We like you're skill and there's little more to prove to us. What we're concerned about is your maturity. Raging MUST STOP. Acting like a child at the end of a game MUST STOP. What I care about and what most of us are probably wanting is a happy, progressive attitude that says "Shit, well I hope to do better next time". Of course some annoyed mumbles are fine.. an ffs, an OMG is what everyone would do including ourselves. But having an entire conversation talking about your 10 minutes of below average gameplay (ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE ALREADY THE HIGHEST FRAGGER!) MUST STOP.
I also have problems with that but i agree that it can be easier and more fun without that.
Remains to be seen if glass coffins become popular.
Hey guys, i made my own fragmovie, its laggy a litle bit but not bad for the first time :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRaBvLR4XLY&spfreload=10 Enjoy! NOTE: IN A DEMO I COULD SEE ENEMIES HP, BUT IN REAL GAME I CANT, DONT WORRY
Yo. So to keep things going some decisions have been made and some talk has been made throughout your application process. We are still discussing the viability of your application and there's definitely no stagnation if you're wondering
We would like to collectively emphasise on your raging. Whilst some can tolerate a bad mouth most of us really are looking to see an improvement in your attitude. Think of it this way, no one gives a fuck how well you do except yourself. So keep it to yourself. This isn't meant to be a wake-up call or harsh words but rather just the reality of the situation and a suggestion of how to control that pent up anger that we know all too well when having a bad game.
Depending on what happens; your application may take another few days, or it could take a few weeks. It's up to you. Skill is no longer a problem for us. Please put 100% effort into keeping calm and 0% effort into proving yourself. You're good enough already. We know you can get 100+ in effic. We know you like getting 30% in your effic duels. And more importantly we understand your high expectations, but please be patient and I assure you that your game will improve.
As Donal Trump once said (paraphrased): When shit gets tough. Sit tight and wait for things to get better.
Statistically, there's a 99% chance you'll never meet your life aspirations. Good luck!