I'm sorry vanquish for that , but this guy ( shit ) will make shit in rC.Troller player , Dick head is not so good for you. I guess some ppl know what he did and write to homer.
He was applying in LC and 2week after he said " close this apply i was trolling"
Message for homer.
To: Homer-J
Its me Bigbaddy.. I want to say that what i said in that app was not true..
I am suffering from depression irl so i was acting strangely..Just want to say that i am sorry..Plz forgive. I was with a Psychologist for the past few days :| . Hope you understand this.
P.S Reply soon if you can. I am going to quit ac for some time..but a reply would do me good.
then me
Homer-J Wrote:
Hey man, don't worry I am not mad at you...I have just said that on your apply because i wanted you, and i didn't expect that. Btw everyone can make mistakes, and actually i don't care about it. I know that you are a nice and cool guy, this is just a game and i consider you as a friend ! Please don't be sorry and hope that you will solve your problems in real-life wink
see you in-game
To: Homer-J
Lol you actually believed what i said.. Well failed .